Become A Member...

Thanks for your interest and support of the Greater Austin Illini Club.

One half of your dues goes into our scholarship fund and the other half goes into our operating fund.  In addition to alumni we highly encourage friends of the University of Illinois to join our club.  If you become a dues paying member, you're also eligible for a discount when you attend any of our organized events.


  • U of I Alumni, charged, each $22,  check $20
  • non-U of I, charged, each $11,  check $10

We're have an online payment system.  Click on the Store to see your options!

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Please select the type you wish to purchase and click the "Continue" button below.
Single Member
  Description:  Yearly Dues Single Illini Alumni
Membership price:  $22.00

Couple Members (1 is Illini Alumni)
  Description:  $22 for Illini Alumni, plus $11 for non-Illini
Membership price:  $33.00

Couple Members (both Illini)
  Description:  Couple MembersĀ  (both Illini)
Membership price:  $44.00